Monday, 21 August 2017

Scenes From Films That I Wish Would Happen To Me In Real Life...

Scenes From Films That I Wish Would Happen To Me In Real                                                  Life .....

As a child I would always dream of being the main characters and some scenes to this day I wish I could experience for myself.

  1.  The Sound Of Music. 
The 'I am 16 going on 17 scene. Now I realise he is basically saying she needs a man and she isn't able to cope on her own but I love the dancing and the dress in this scene. 

Image result for the sound of music i am 16 going on 17

  2. The Little Mermaid. 

The swimming up to the surface scene. As a kid I would go the the bottom of the sea or pool and swim up to the top swirling as she did and singing the song. 

  I would also try and brush my hair with a fork. 
Image result for the little mermaid in the cave

3. Dirty Dancing. 

The iconic lift at the end of the movie. I think I would actually be too scared to try it and I doubt anyone could lift me. 

Image result for dirty dancing

4. The Notebook. 

The scene where Allie jumps into Noah's arms after work. To be honest any scene with Allie and Noah I would happily like to live out. 
Image result for the notebook arm jump

5. Clueless 

Her wardrobe. At the begining of the movie when she picks her outfit via computer I always wanted a system like that. 
Image result for clueless wardrobe

6. The perks of being a wallflower. 

The standing out the car scene. This is a recent fantacy, again I would never have the actual courage to do it but this is a beautiful movie scene. 
Image result for the perks of being a wallflower car scene

7. The Wizard Of Oz. 

Her red shoes. Along with cinderellas shoes, these red sparkly shoes I have always adored. If I could find a similar pair I would buy and wear them not caring what I look like. 

Image result for the wizard of oz dorothy shoes

8. Matilda. 

The pancakes and the scene where she tidies up. I loved Roald Dahl and this movie sparked my conviction I could control things with my mind and my love of pancakes for some reason. Oh and bows in my hair obviously. 
Image result for matilda pancakes

Image result for matilda cleaning scene

9. The Parent Trap. 

Classic dream of going to summer camp to fing my long lost twin sister and reunite my family. Also the pranks played on each other I tried out on my siblings. 

Image result for the parent trap camp

10. Spy Kids. 

Who didn't want to be a spy kid. I wished I had their spy weapons and could take a submarine to an island with loose animals. I never understood how she could fight with her hair down though!! I also wanted those food pass things- shame they don't exist. 
Image result for spy kids food

Image result for spy kids submarine

The list of scenes from movies that I wish would happen to me in real life is endless but these were just 10 I could think of today. 

Eleanor x